The Good I am seeking is my God,
My God is my Life.
The Good I am seeking is my health,
God is my health.
The Good I am seeking is my strength,
God is my strength.
The Good I am seeking is my support,
God is my support.
The Good I am seeking is my defense,
God is my defense.
Life is God,
Truth is God,
Love is God,
Substance is God.
God is Intelligence,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
God is Life,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
God is Truth,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
God is Love,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
God is Spirit,
Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient.
Source: "Scientific Christian Mental Practice" by Emma Curtis Hopkins.
Success = supreme goal + action plan (preparation) + single-hearted continuous daily effort (discipline / dare / work).
Half-hearted effort leads to half-hearted results: put in the work; the results will come.
Genius / creative people fed from divine source through feeling / intuition and imagination / visualization.
Einstein's IQ = 4 hours daily study / practice (10,000 hours over 10 years); follow, without halt, one aim: seize the day.
“Gifted” / “Talented” / “Genius” / "Einstein" = consistent four hours daily action / study / practice (10,000 hours over 10 years); follow, without halt, one aim (definite plan; know what you want - "I want to be a successful...") for a minimum of 5 years, at a minimun of 4 or 9 hours of daily study / practice; continuous action: seize the day.
Secret Success Formula That Can Prosper You.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
The Secret / Law of Attraction.
The Superhero Effect: The Undercover Phenomenon. [pdf]
Vinegar: uses, tips, suggestions & health benefits: Bragg Organic (raw unfiltered) Apple Cider Vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar helps the body get rid of toxins, nourishes the digestive system, and decalcifies the pineal gland.
Dream BIG and in colour.
Always look on the brightest side of life; always paint in your mind a picture of bright and happy expectations.
Have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone; think no evil: do no evil.
The "brightness" button on the TV doesn't work; it does not turn up the intelligence.
An awakened mind dwells on highest thoughts, love, truth, goodness, goodwill, harmony and perfection.
DROWSY: In a meditative mood bordering on sleep - It is in this drowsy state that u should assume that u are that which u desire to be. - Neville Goddard.
BELIEVE-&-SLEEP: If you know what you want, believe that you have it. Sleep as though it were true for you. - Neville Goddard.
Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought. - Matsuo Basho.
Success = supreme goal + action plan (preparation) + single-hearted daily action (discipline / dare / work).
Half-hearted effort leads to half-hearted results: put in the work; the results will come.
Genius / creative people fed from divine source through feeling / intuition and imagination / visualization.
Einstein's IQ = 4 hours daily study / practice (10,000 hours over 10 years); follow, without halt, one aim: seize the day.
“Gifted” / “Talented” / “Genius” / "Einstein" = consistent four hours daily action / study / practice (10,000 hours over 10 years); follow, without halt, one aim (definite plan; know what you want - "I want to be a successful...") for a minimum of 5 years, at a minimun of 4 or 9 hours of daily study / practice; continuous action: seize the day.
Secret Success Formula That Can Prosper You.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
The Secret / Law of Attraction.
The Superhero Effect: The Undercover Phenomenon. [pdf]
Vinegar: uses, tips, suggestions & health benefits: Bragg Organic (raw unfiltered) Apple Cider Vinegar.
Dream BIG and in colour.
Have no hatred or bitterness towards anyone.
The "brightness" button on the TV doesn't work; it does not turn up the intelligence.
An awakened mind dwells on highest thoughts, love, truth, goodness, goodwill, harmony and perfection.
Secret Success Formula That Can Prosper You. :: Print, read & apply.
* How to invoke Christ consciousness (and all its power).
* An Ancient Thanksgiving Success Formula.
* Blessing has Multiplying Power.
* Chemicalization - A Cleansing, Healing Process.
* How To Be Blessed With Forgiveness.
* How To Produce Wonderful Changes.
* How To Restore Your World To Perfection.
* How To Seal Your Good and Make it Permanent.
* How Your Prayers Of Protection Can Help Others.
* How to Claim Life's Vast Benefits.
* How to Tap Universal Wisdom.
* The "Thank You Box" Brings Success.
* The Divine Law Of Hidden Justice.
* The Easy Way To Unfold Your Good.
* The Power of Written Prayer Statements.
* The Protecting Power Of Love.
* The Restoring Power Of Praise.
* The Way to Opulence.
* The Wise Men's Christmas Gifts To You.
The Miracle of Love : Chapter one of "The Prospering Power of Love" by Catherine Ponder.
Water that's poured inside will sink the boat
While water underneath keeps it afloat.
Driving wealth from his heart to keep it pure
King Solomon preferred the title 'Poor':
That sealed jar in the stormy sea out there
Floats on the waves because it's full of air,
When you've the air of dervishood inside
You'll float above the world and there abide...
* * Dervish / Darvesh: Book 1 of Rumi's Masnavi.
How to Accomplish a Goal - Brian Tracy
More »
Other Topics:
Enhanced sleep, stress relief and relaxation techniques.
The Secret / Law of Attraction.
Sleep - enhanced sleep, restful sleep, healing sleep, rejuvenation: natural remedies, relaxation techniques, stress relief.
Vinegar - Vinegar / tips / suggestions / uses / benefits / home made remedies.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
Prayer / meditation / sleep / relaxation music.
Self help / self improvement / personal development sites.
How to Accomplish a Goal - Brian Tracy
Enhanced sleep, stress relief and relaxation techniques.
The Secret / Law of Attraction.
Sleep - enhanced sleep, restful sleep, healing sleep, rejuvenation: natural remedies, relaxation techniques, stress relief.
Vinegar - Vinegar / tips / suggestions / uses / benefits / home made remedies.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
Prayer / meditation / sleep / relaxation music.
Self help / self improvement / personal development sites.
How to Accomplish a Goal - Brian Tracy
Enhanced sleep, stress relief and relaxation techniques.
The Secret / Law of Attraction.
Sleep - enhanced sleep, restful sleep, healing sleep, rejuvenation: natural remedies, relaxation techniques, stress relief.
Vinegar - Vinegar / tips / suggestions / uses / benefits / home made remedies.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled.
Prayer / meditation / sleep / relaxation music.
Self help / self improvement / personal development sites.
"Miracles: The Holiday Album" by Kenny G
iPhone apps for a better night’s sleep.
Serotonin - regulates mood, appetite, sleep.
Immune system deficiency - pollen / hayfever / allergies solution that works (within 24 hours).
Home made remedies - the health benefits of vinegar.
A good night’s sleep brings more benefits than just the satisfaction of having slept well.
Tips for sleeping (1 to 10).
To sleep, perchance to dream -- and learn: Nap after you study -- it can help you.
Happiness / joy / mood elevation at will - reticular activating system.
Hästens MindSpa by - Hästens MindSpa visualization and meditation machine.
The alpha sound is better for relaxation than ANY classical music.
Silva Method: Tips To Make The Secret / Law Of Attraction Work For You INSTANTLY: Silva Intuition System: Intuitive Mind. Before you listen, read the PDF report ::: :::
Hästens MindSpa by AvStim (for enhanced sleep, rejuvenation, cognitive stimulation, prayer, meditation and visualization). :: Hästens.
Hemi-Sync® by Monroe Products ::: The Gateway Experience.
The Secret / Law of Attraction.
Prayer / meditation / sleep / relaxation music - journey within.
Meditation Music: (1) "Reiki Gold" by Llewellyn :: (2) "Journey to the Angels" by Llewellyn :: (3) "Journey to the Temple" by Llewellyn.
Tips for getting better sleep at night.
Sovereign - Kevin MacLeod
La Serenissima - Loreena McKennitt
Soothing Instrumental Ambient Music - Paul Collier
Miracles: The Holiday Album - Kenny G
Time To Say Goodbye - Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
Relaxation Music - Paul Collier
Free Fallin' - John Mayer
Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
Ben - Michael Jackson | a tribute for Michael Jackson performed
by Andre Rieu at Maastricht Vrijthof in July 2009
Enhanced sleep, stress relief and relaxation techniques.
(1) Reiki Gold - Llewellyn.
(2) Journey to the Angels - Llewellyn.
(3) Journey to the Temple - Llewellyn.
More »
Sovereign by Kevin MacLeod
Soothing Instrumental Ambient Music - Paul Collier
Miracles: The Holiday Album - Kenny G
Time TO Say Goodbye - Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman
Relaxation Music - Paul Collier
Free Fallin' - John Mayer
Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova
Ben - Michael Jackson [performed by Andre Rieu @ Maastricht Vrijthof in July 2009]
(1) "Reiki Gold" by Llewellyn.
(2) "Journey to the Angels" by Llewellyn.
(3) "Journey to the Temple" by Llewellyn.
iPhone apps for self-help.
Mashable - Self Help Links.
101 Online Self Improvement Resources
Robert Quadra - Success Through Self Reliance, Service, & Leadership.
Wise Bread - Personal Finance and Frugal Living Forum.
More »
Vinegar: Vinegar / Tips / Suggestions / Uses / Benefits / Home Made Remedies
Vinegar can do so much good. Try it next time you have a cold.
Vinegar - A 10,000-year-old discovery with 10,000 uses.
Vinegar - History: How the Ancients Benefited from Vinegar.
Apple Cider Vinegar History in Early America - Apple cider vinegar history in America begins with the apple.
Vinegar Douche by Dr. Thomas S. Lee.
Soothe a sore throat. Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow. [Source]
Cure for colds. Mix one-quarter cup Apple Cider Vinegar with one-quarter cup honey. Take one tablespoon six to eight times daily. [Source]
Relieve cough by mixing one-half cup Apple Cider Vinegar, one-half cup water, one teaspoon cayenne pepper, and four teaspoons honey. Take one tablespoon when cough acts up. Take another tablespoon at bedtime. [Source]
Treat sinus infections and chest colds. Add 1/4 cup or more vinegar to the vaporizer. [Source]
Feel good recipe. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, with a bit of honey added for flavor, will take the edge off your appetite and give you an overall healthy feeling.[Source] [ ~~> Bragg Organic (Raw Unfiltered) Apple Cider Vinegar ]
Cure an upset stomach by drinking two teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar in one cup water. [Source]
You take 1 tablespoon full and swollow when you have the hiccups. It stops them instantly. [Source]
Wise Bread - Uses for Vinegar.
Relieve dry and itchy skin: Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to your bath water. [source].
Soothe a sore throat: Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow. For another great gargle: 1 cup hot water, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon vinegar, gargle then drink. [source].
Treat sinus infections and chest colds: Add 1/4 cup or more vinegar to the vaporizer. (Be sure to check vaporizer instructions for additional water measurement.) [source].
Chest congestion: To clear up respiratory congestion, inhale a vapor mist from steaming pot containing water and several spoonfuls of vinegar. [source].
Vinegar - Uses and Tips.
Home Made Remedies For Sore Throat - Natural remedies for recovering from a sore throat.
Vinegar - Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits And Multiple Uses.
Vinegar - Extraordinary Uses for Vinegar.
Vinegar - 74 Little Known Uses Of Vinegar.
Vinegar Tips.
Relieve a sore throat: Put two teaspoons of vinegar in your humidifier.
Cure an upset stomach: Drink two teaspoons apple cider vinegar in one cup water to soothe an upset stomach.
Relieve a cold: Mix one-quarter cup apple cider vinegar with one-quarter cup honey. Take one tablespoon six to eight times daily. [source].
Relieve a cough: Mix one-half cup apple cider vinegar, one-half cup water, one teaspoon cayenne pepper, and four teaspoons honey. Take one tablespoon when cough acts up. Take another tablespoon at bedtime. [source].
Weight loss: One thing that science has shown is that apple cider vinegar might help to balance blood sugar. Insulin responses have been shown to create excess belly fat. Therefore, if insulin and blood sugar are controlled, a person might lose weight. Fat might in fact be as much a matter of hormones (insulin) than lack of activity. Of course, more than likely they go hand in hand. [source].
Cure the hiccups: Mix one teaspoon apple cider vinegar in one cup of warm water, and drink. [source].
Clean eyeglasses: Wipe each lens with a drop of vinegar. [source].
Prevent ice from forming on a car windshield overnight: Coat the window with a solution of three parts vinegar to one part water. [sources].
Apple Cider Vinegar [ ~~> Bragg Organic (Raw Unfiltered) Apple Cider Vinegar ] helps with PMS and with menstrual cramping and blood clots. It thins the blood. It also helps to prevent hangovers and upset stomach. It also helps with hunger. It also helps with blood pressure. [source].
White vinegar, olive oil and lemon juice and water can help maintain your kidneys and liver and you feel more energetic and your skin starts to look smoother. [source].
Fight Hiccups and Cramps: If you often get foot or leg cramps in the middle of the night, you may want to try boosting your potassium levels. There are a number of great superfoods rich in potassium (way beyond bananas). Some folks have also suggested trying this remedy: Mix 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon of honey and a cup of hot water. Then drink before bed. Yummy! Some have also said they were able to cure pesky hiccups instantly by swallowing a teaspoon of vinegar. Hey, if the Roman legions drank it, it must be good for you. [source].
Diane Fennell - Vinegar Reduces After-Meal Glucose.
Infections and Insurrection - Women Treating Yeast. - Vinegar should never be stored in metallic containers made from lead, copper, or iron nor in crystal glass, which contains a high level of lead.
Health - Top 10 Food Sources of Potassium.
Health - White distilled vinegar is something good for you on the inside and the outside. The next time you’re not feeling well, consider taking a break from expensive over-the-counter products and try a home remedy that is made with vinegar." target="_blank">Vinegar uses.
Market Trends - Vinegar Institute Production Survey, 1989.
Sleep: Restful Sleep, Healing Sleep, Rejuvenation, and Natural Relaxation Techniques and Remedies for Stress Relief:
"Miracles: The Holiday Album" by Kenny G
Sleep :: Sleep [posts]
iPhone apps for a better night’s sleep
Serotonin - regulates mood, appetite, sleep
Immune system deficiency: Pollen / Hayfever / Allergies: Solution that work within 24 hours
A good night’s sleep brings more benefits than just the satisfaction of having slept well.
Tips For Sleeping (1 to 10)
To sleep, perchance to dream -- and learn: Nap after you study -- it can help you.
Happiness / joy / mood elevation at will: reticular activating system
"Hästens MindSpa by - Hästens MindSpa visualization and meditation machine - link
The Alpha sound is better for relaxation than ANY classical music.
Silva Method: Tips To Make The Secret / Law Of Attraction Work For You INSTANTLY: Silva Intuition System: Intuitive Mind. Before you listen, read the PDF report ::: :::
Meditation Music: (1) "Reiki Gold" by Llewellyn :: (2) "Journey to the Angels" by Llewellyn :: (3) "Journey to the Temple" by Llewellyn
Can't Sleep? Proven Tips for Insomnia
Tips for getting better sleep at night
Be what you wish; be what you believe: everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves. That which we affirm as true of ourselves developS in our life. Set a goal. Condensed your dream of greatness and security into a simple written statement (in the first person, present tense), which imply that your dream of greatness and security was already realized. Then, everyday, repeat the statement over and over again to yourself until the idea of greatness and security fills your mind and crowd all other ideas out of your consciousness. Affirm: "I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit."
Make your future dream a present fact to yourself; dare to assume, "I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit."
The future dream must become a present fact in your mind. You must experience in imagination what you would experience in reality in the event you achieved your goal, for the soul imagining itself into a situation takes on the results of that imaginary act. If it does not imagine itself into a situation, it is ever free of the result.
To change the present state you must rise to a higher level of consciousness. You must affirm that you are already that which you hope to be (by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled) and live as though you were, knowing that your assumption, though false to the outer world, if persisted in, will harden into fact. That which you affirm as true of yourself will develop in your life.
Neville Radio Lecture #01
Date: 07/1951
Dare To Dream: Assume The Feeling of The Wish Fulfilled
Be what you wish; be what you believe: everything depends upon our attitude towards ourselves. That which we affirm as true of ourselves developS in our life. Set a goal. Condensed your dream of greatness and security into a simple written statement (in the first person, present tense), which imply that your dream of greatness and security was already realized. Then, everyday, repeat the statement over and over again to yourself until the idea of greatness and security fills your mind and crowd all other ideas out of your consciousness. Affirm: "I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit."
Make your future dream a present fact to yourself; dare to assume, "I have a lavish, steady, dependable income, consistent with integrity and mutual benefit."
The future dream must become a present fact in your mind. You must experience in imagination what you would experience in reality in the event you achieved your goal, for the soul imagining itself into a situation takes on the results of that imaginary act. If it does not imagine itself into a situation, it is ever free of the result.
To change the present state you must rise to a higher level of consciousness. You must affirm that you are already that which you hope to be (by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled) and live as though you were, knowing that your assumption, though false to the outer world, if persisted in, will harden into fact. That which you affirm as true of yourself will develop in your live.
Neville Radio Lecture #01
Date: 07/1951
Reading list / self help / self-development / personal development / books for self help / The Secret / Law of Attraction / LOA / Law of Assumption / enlightenment / wealth creation / prosperity / success / manifestation / miracle / healing / spirituality / spiritual / motivation / / inspiration / meaning of life, etc.
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
"Desiderata" (Latin: "things desired") by Max Ehrmann. [An inspiring #poem written in the 1920s].
Don't Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're truding seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit --
Rest if you must, but don't you quit!
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As everyone of us sometimes learns,
And many a person turns about
When they might have won had they stuck it out,
Don't give up though the pace seems slow --
You may succeed with another blow,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victors cup;
And he learned too late when the night came down,
How close he was to the golden crown!
Success is failure turned inside out!
So stick to the fight when you are hardest hit!
Its when things seem worst that you mustn't quit!
It Couldn't Be Done
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.
So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
On his face. If he worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it;"
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
Just take off your coat and go to it;
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
Life is a gift to be used every day,
Not to be smothered and hidden away;
It isn't a thing to be stored in the chest
Where you gather your keepsakes and treasure your best;
It isn't a joy to be sipped now and then
And promptly put back in a dark place again.
Life is a gift that the humblest may boast of
And one that the humblest may well make the most of.
Get out and live it each hour of the day,
Wear it and use it as much as you may;
Don't keep it in niches and corners and grooves,
You'll find that in service its beauty improves.
By Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959).
Promise Yourself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet.
To make all your friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature you meet.
To give so much time to improving yourself that you have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on your side, so long as you are true to the best that is in you.
Read "The Optimist's Creed" Daily
I Promise Myself
To be so strong that nothing can disturb my peace of mind.
To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person I meet.
To make all my friends feel that there is something worthwhile in them.
To look at the sunny side of everything and make my optimism come true.
To think only of the best, to work only for the best and to expect only the best.
To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as I am are about my own.
To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.
To wear a cheerful expression at all times and give a smile to every living creature I meet.
To give so much time to improving myself that I have no time to criticize others.
To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.
To think well of myself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud word, but in great deeds.
To live in the faith that the whole world is on my side, so long as I am true to the best that is in me.
Read all books by the following authors:
Neville Lancelot Goddard
Max Freedom Long
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes
Joseph Murphy
Their books will half the time it takes you to learn "The Secret" Law of Attraction / Law of Assumption. They can help you to understand "The Secret", "Third Eye" (Kundalini) activation, intuition, enlightenment, telekinesis, remote viewing and healing, etc.
Neville Goddard
"Out of This World" by Neville Goddard.
"Resurrection" by Neville Goddard.
"Awakened Imagination / The Search" by Neville Goddard.
"The Neville Reader" by Neville Goddard.
"The Miracle of Imagination" by Neville Goddard.
"At Your Command" by Neville Goddard.
"Feeling is the Scret" by Neville Goddard.
"Your Faith Is Your Fortune" by Neville Goddard.
"Prayer: The Art of Believing" by Neville Goddard.
"The Law and The Promise" by Neville Goddard.
"Seedtime and Harvest" by Neville Goddard.
"The Power of Awareness" by Neville Goddard.
"Freedom for All" by Neville Goddard.
"The Law and the Promise" by Neville Goddard.
"Immortal Man: A Compilation of Lectures" by Neville Goddard.
"1948 Lessons Series with Q&A" by Neville Goddard.
"The Neville Reader" by Neville Goddard (contains seven of Neville's books):
The Law and the Promise.
Prayer: The Art of Believing.
Feeling is the Secret.
Freedom for All.
Out of this World.
Seedtime and Harvest.
Read, "Awakened Imagination / The Search." Master the chapter, "The Pruning Shears of Revision." It will help you.
Read chapter 109 to 118 of "Resurrection." It contains Neville's manifestation secret (Law of Attraction).
A lecture given by Neville Goddard about Law of Assumption, now know as the Law of Attraction ("The Secret").
"I Remember When" by Neville Goddard (Neville Lecture: April-10-1968).
Neville Goddard Class Instruction 1948: Powerful manifesting technique; transform your world, fast.
The secret behind "The Secret" / Law of Attraction / Law of Assumption ::
Neville Lectures (audio)
Max Freedom Long and Books on Huna
"Recovering the Ancient Magic" by Max Freedom Long.
"The Huna Code in Religions" by Max Freedom Long.
"The Secret Science At Work: New Light On Prayer" by Max Freedom Long.
"The Secret Science Behind Miracles" by Max Freedom Long.
"What Jesus Taught in Secret" by Max Freedom Long.
"Growing Into Light" by Max Freedom Long.
"Mana, or Vital Force" by Max Freedom Long.
"Self Suggestion: And the New Huna Theory of Mesmerism and Hypnosis, Ho'Opono, Ho'Oponopono Instant Healing" by Max Freedom Long.
"Short Talks on Huna" by Max Freedom Long.
"HUNA: The Ancient Religion of Positive Thinking" by William R. Glover.
Max Freedom Long
The secret behind "The Secret" / Law of Attraction / Law of Assumption
Simeona prayer: The Ho'oponopono Process
"Light-Switch Huna: A Simple System for Using the Huna System Without Theories, History, or Explanations of Special Terminology." by Dr. E. Otha Wingo.
Ho'oponopono and EFT
"Statement of Release" by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona.
Ho'oponopono by Morrnah Simeona
Ho’oponopono - Hawaiian Healing by Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
"Minds: Phineas Parkhurst Quimby's Science of Health & Happiness" by Ervin Seale (ISBN-10: 0875167039).
"The Complete Writings of Phineas Parkhurst Quimby: Vol 2" by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (Author), Ervin Seale (Author) (ISBN-10: 0875166016).
"The Complete Collected Works of Dr. Phineas Parkhurst Quimby" by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (Author), Quimby Society (Editor) (ISBN-10: 0615237843).
"Phineas Parkhurst Quimby: His Complete Writings and Beyond" by Ronald Hughes.
"The Quimby Manuscripts" by Horatio W. Dresser (ISBN-10: 0766140520)
"The Philosophy of P. P. Quimby" by Annetta Gertrude Dresser
"The Healing Wisdom of Dr. P. P. Quimby" by Mason A. Clark
"Quimby's Science of Happiness" by Erroll Stafford Collie
"Quimby's Technique" by Horatio W. Dresser
"Other Quimby Writings and articles"
Ernest Shurtleff Holmes
"The Science of Mind: A Philosophy, A Faith, A Way of Life" by Ernest Holmes [1926]
The Science of Mind by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad.
"Living the Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes.
"How to Use the Science of Mind" by Ernest Holmes.
"This Thing Called You" by Ernest Holmes.
"Love and Law: The Unpublished Teachings" by Ernest Holmes.
"Creative Mind: Tapping the Power Within" by Ernest Holmes.
"The Art of Life" by Ernest Holmes.
"Basic Ideas of Science and Mind" by Ernest Holmes.
"365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom" by Ernest Holmes.
"Creative Mind and Success" by Ernest Holmes.
"The Beverly Hill Lectures" by Ernest Holmes.
"Can We Talk to God?" by Ernest Holmes.
"How to Change Your Life" by Ernest Holmes.
"The Philosophy of Ernest Holmes" by Ernest Holmes.
"This Thing Called Life" by Ernest Holmes.
"Thoughts are " by Ernest Holmes.
"Words That Heal Today" by Ernest Holmes.
"The Anatomy of Healing Prayer" by Ernest Holmes.
"Immortality" by Ernest Holmes.
"It Can Happen to You" by Ernest Holmes.
"Mind Remakes Your World" by Ernest Holmes.
"New Horizons" by Ernest Holmes.
"The Essential Ernest Holmes" by Ernest Holmes.
"That Was Ernest: The Story of" by Ernest Holmes.
"Ernest Holmes & the Religious Science Movement" by Ernest Holmes.
Joseph Murphy
"The Miracles of Your Mind" by Joseph Murphy.
"Peace Within Yourself" by Joseph Murphy.
"The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy.
"The Miracle of Mind Dynamics" by Joseph Murphy.
"Prayer Is the Answer" by Joseph Murphy.
"The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power" by Joseph Murphy.
"Your Infinite Power to Be Rich" by Joseph Murphy.
"Secrets of the I Ching" by Joseph Murphy.
"Psychic Perception: The Magic of Extrasensory Perception" by Joseph Murphy.
"The Cosmic Energizer: Miracle Power of the Universe" by Joseph Murphy.
"These Truths Can Change Your Life" by Joseph Murphy.
"How to Use the Laws of Mind" by Joseph Murphy.
"Songs of God" by Joseph Murphy.
SILVA METHOD: Tips To Make (THE SECRET) The Law Of Attraction Work For You INSTANTLY: Silva Intuition System: Intuitive Mind. : :
Vishen Lakhiani ( talks about Silva Intuition System.
:#: "Hästens MindSpa by (meditation machine. there's also Mindspa's mini app for iPhone. search online. there's also Mac app that you can use and make your own mind movie / slide show. search online).
:#: "MindMaster.Tv (while using your computer).
:#: "ThoughtDr by (while asleep).
The Strangest Secret in the World (Earl Nightingale talks about the key to success and the key to failure).
Third Eye: Activated inner eye leads to higher consciousness, enlightenment, and precognition. If you really want it, you can get it.
How To Awaken The Kundalini (Third Eye): Sadhana Yoga / Meditation.
Pineal Gland Activation: How to activate your pineal gland.
Solar Plexus
Make gratitude and appreciation a daily habbit.
How to magically attract anything (including, your ideal soul mate).
Mirror of the Mind Visualization Technique: The mirror of the mind technique is to go to alpha brain wave level, visualize the problem in a blue framed mirror and then change the mirror’s frame to a white one and visualize the GOAL or INTENDED state inside that framed mirror instead.
How to get what you want every time
Feeling is the secret to manifestation: "Get Full of The Feeling"
What's on your Vision Board?
How to create a Vision Board. ::
"The Complete Vision Board Kit: Using the Power of Intention and Visualization to Achieve Your Dreams" by John Assaraf.
John Assaraf's Vision Board Secret.
"The Dream Big System: The Key to Living The Law of Attraction" by Jack Canfield.
"The Vision Board" by Joyce Schwarz.
How to Make Your Prosperity Wheel: Click "Prosperity Wheel"
Your Vision Board and Gratitude Journal for the iPhone and iPod Touch. ::
How to Use a Vision Board to Activate the Law of Attraction.
Helene Hadsell’s secret to winning anything: “4-Step Manifestation Secret.” Helen Hadsell is “the woman who wins every contest she enters.” She uses spiritual principles to win contests.
(1) "The Wish Craft Exercise" by Helene Hadsell. ::
(2) "The Winning Sage" by Helene Hadsell. ::
Law of Attraction ("The Secret"): Use Alpha Level to think, create, innovate & pull ideas out of thin air.
The Alpha sound is better for relaxation than ANY classical music.
Downloads: Meditation Music.
(1) "Reiki Gold" by Llewellyn
(2) "Journey to the Angels" by Llewellyn
(3) "Journey to the Temple" by Llewellyn
The powerful secret of imagining and inner conversations (the speech of fulfilled desire).
Serotonin "...regulates mood, appetite, sleep, muscle contraction, and some cognitive functions including memory and learning..."
How to concentrate the mind on one thing at a time.
3 year old Hannah's amazing bedtime prayer.
Personal Development / Self Help Reading List
:#: "The Impersonal Life" by Joseph Benner.
:#: "I Am That" by Nisargadatta Maharaj.
:#: "Unto Thee I Grant" by Sri Ramatherio.
:#: "The Infinite Way" by Joel Goldsmith.
:#: "The Dhammapada" by Eknath Easwaran.
:#: "The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali: Commentary on the Raja Yoga Sutras" by Sri Swami Satchidananda.
:#: "Life & Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East (Boxed Set)" by Baird T. Spalding.
The Personal MBA Recommended Reading List
Kids' Reading List: books for kids of all ages
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